Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)



APPLY 9 AND 10 A. M. AND 12 AND 1 P. 4 ROOM 314. WEST 4.

BU8INESS SERVICE CO THE RF.I.IAPIH AGENCY. WK NKKI) .1" STENOGRAPHERS 1 r.i'ii'inAi r.iii. STENOGRAPHERS itenograpbcr Three for government service. Stenographer Three for government service $1,200. 1 Pteaographcr Railroad, city, $900 11,000.

Monographer city, Stenographer city, corporation, nomographer Lumber, city, I1O00. StPOigrapherBookkeer.erLand South- are, Minnesota. i clerical Good general office man, tip. Clerical Young man with Drams, $,20, Many oilier pnsiiiojn04)ej BUSINESS SERVICE THIRD FLOOR I.ean and Trust 311 Nicollet av. e.

WANTED. -X- Special delivery boys. Steady position. 7 -X- Apply at once. S- BROWNINO KING CO.

KINWEAPOLIS IMPLJYMENT BUREAU 126 3rd at S. Can' place following: Stock salesman for good St. Taul proposition. Wan for general store out of city, must Invest limited amount. About $125.

Foreman for auto repair shop and garage, to $100. Railroad clerk, one with experience with tatea in freight department, $00. WANTED HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Sfr men to know you can secure tlie best 4fr 4f of hotel and restaurant help by writing 4r w. A. Kawson, 102 Washington 8, or calling T.

S. 1332. Prompt attention ft given out-of-town order without -If -X charges to employment agency. COOD CHAUFFEURS AND REPAIR MEN AL ways In demand. We want aober, tellable men to attend the largest- and only practical day and night automobile and mechanical training 1 school to the Northwest; men whom we could recommend for a position; our school la lo 1 rated In our modern lire-roof garage.

In aulre general office, Western Transportation 402 American -Nat. Bank St. Paul. WANTED A 1 STENOGRAPHER Out-oZ-town railroad oftice; $MS. I Stenographer, Minnesota bank; $46 to $50.

1 Auditor for line of lumber yards; $12i. I B. A. MORAWETZ A 1139 METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING. (WANTED SEVERAL MORE LIVE WIRE talesmen for an entirely brand new produc-; tlon, territory now open for assignment to sj DifB of.

ability who desire to earn big money. We pay either salary or liberal commission, er both. Tbla ia exceptional opportunity for bustlers who can and will senile business. For interview, address ZU52 Tribune. WEN WANIED FOlflHE V.

"ARMY, able-bodied, unmarried men. between the ages of 18 and cltlaens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English lan- guage. For Information apply to Recruiting 1 'titer, 264 1st av 8, Minneapolis, or Ul 6th St. St. Paul.

Minn. 4KFS WANTED, AGE 1H-S5, FOR FIREMEN, 1100 mnlii, and brakemeo, on nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary; no atrike. Positions guaranteed competent men. Promotion.

Railroad employing headquarters. Ove400 men sent to positions monthly. Stale age. Address Hallway Association. 174, Min-H' tu-apolla Trilmne.

(Continued.) MEN OS U'OMeTi TO WRITE HUNDREDS OF letter, from sample: industry without ex perlenee can earn $25 weekly; self addressed envelope. Brooks Copying Box 337, Wab-Ington, O. C. WANTED A MAN TO ACT AS TRACER, must be well acquainted, must be able to show results, only experienced parlies need apply. Apply S.

0. Augustine, 4HS New York Life. WA1TTED MEN WITH DRINK HABIT, UN-tit for atvady work, get oa right road again. Talk It over with us. Hours 1:30 to 5:50.

Uplift Society, 313 Century Bldg. 4tb at, Ut iv S. REPORTER" WANTED Y0UNO MAN WITH experience on country dally. Must have best of references. Apply at once In own handwriting to Transcript, Lillle Falls.

Minn. CLEANED, 6bo; MAIN SPRINGS, 50c; warranted 1 year. Clocks repaired, called for and delivered. Watches to sell or trade. Center 4545.

Dobriu, 323 Washington av N. MAKE 1 AN HOUR EASIER THAN $1 A DAY painting signs; mj experience required; our patterna do the work: write quick. Lightning Sign System. 810 (Irr at. Mlle8 City, Mont.

MAGICIANS We have a surprise in store for you. If Interested in magic call or write. Eagle Magic 701 1st av H. Minneapolis. VANTED GENTLEME1J WITH WIDE AC- quaintance, devote all or part time, excellent proposition.

1216 Guaranty Building. Opeu Friday and Monday eveninirs until 8. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN TO DRIVE A team for wholesale house, must kuow cily and he able to furnish bond. Steady position for good num. Address M0O4 Tribune.

WANTED MAN 0F GOOD ADDRESS FOR position as floor manager. One with millinery experience preferred. E. K. ATKINSON 4 CO.

WAHTEDi COMFETENT AND TlMPESAlE wash man, steady Job for a good man: name references in Bret letter. Address US 4lh av 8. Jamestown, N. D. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers.

No canvassing. Send fur particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockpoit, N. Y.

WANTED A RELIABLE MEN FOR STEADY positions, in warehouse, married men. living southeast preferred. Ian Tilburg Oil 2424 University av SE. FMADE $50T000 IH FIVEYEAR8 WITH-! small mail order bualness; began with $5. Send for free booklet.

Tells how. Ueaco*ck, 5037, Lockport, N. Y. WANTED 8 BOYS. 18 TO YEARS OLD, lu cloth department; none but huatlera need apply.

Northwestern Casket 17th av NK and Oefti rson st. WANTED JANITOR FOR BUSINESS HOUSE) position Is permanent to right parly, who must have experience and good references. Address Tribune. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED, good as new. 30c per dozen; leave orders at J'boenlx building cigar stand.

Safety Razor Shop. 12 st N. BOOKKEEPER FOR MANUFACTURING C0N-cern, must huve at least two years' experience and be good penman, $80. 701 Sykes Blk. 254 Hennepin.

UNCLAIMED HAND TAILORED SUITS, worth $.15.00 (or $14.00. All $2.00 hate 5c. Hints pressed 40c. Morrison Mercantile 4H2 Second av. S.

YOU ARE WANTED FOR GOVERNMENT poaltlon, $80 mouth. Write for list of positions open. Frauklin Institute, Dept. 171U, Rochester, N. Y.

WANTED A GOOD STEADY MAN BY THE year, on a (arm; one (hat can milk. Will pay $300. No drinker. J. II.

Murphy, Jnncsviile, Minn. WANTED SHOP FOREMAN, EXPERIENCED automobile repair man, capable of taking charge of shop. Columbus Buggy 1st av au.lK;h st. THE VICTOR BARBER COLLEGE, MARCH class, reduced rales; tools furnished; plenty of practice. Catalogue free.

Write or call. 251lsrav S. MEN TO TAKE TUB OR SHOWER BATHS, 15c. Best bath rooms In city. Try one.

lou will come again. Corner Nicollet and 3d st. Barber shop. 76o REPAIRS YOUR WATCH, NO MATTER what is broken; work guaranteed one year. Crystals, hands, lie; Abrams, 323 Boston blk.

WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS C0ATMAKERS at once. Good pay. Plenty of work. Wire or wrlle. Juster Brothers, Aberdeen, H.

O. WANTED DRILL PRESS HAND, MUST BE accurate worker and a hustler. Progressive Shoe Machinery 1013 i Franklin. WANTED STEWARD, $80; PORTER, $25; buss bov, $25; frv cook, $25; waiters, $25. McAlpiue, 20Vi Nicollet, room ilOH.

WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKER FOR J. M. Tjur, Humboldt, la. Good pay, steady work. Frank W.

(ireavcB Co. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PAPERH ANGER, 411t 6th st NE; must furnish tools. Call, Friday morulng, 7 o'clock. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM, AP. ply this morning between 10 aud 11 o'clock at 21'2 Liiinls-r Kichange.

WANTED PATTERN MAKERS, NONE BUT first class men need apply. Mpls. Pattern 0tlist M. WANTED FIRST CLASS MACHINIST AND general repair man li North Dakota town. Address Tribune.

HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. "4 In family; $6 a week; no washing. 322 Sill st S. WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSEMTTbFOR two children; references required.

419 Grove-land av. South 2593. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. 2804 Chicago av; N. W.

South lb2; T. C. Calhoun 105S. WANTED GOOD COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework, 3 in family; $5 a week; no wash- lug 322 Mb st WANTED 28 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on power machines. Bradshaw luo Washington av N.

WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work and to assist with care of child. Apply 252 Plymouth av. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES AT once, gisKi wages. The Minneapolis Restaurant, 113 Nicollet av. WANTED GOOD RELIABLE GERMAN GIRL for housework; small family.

SS 13th st near Nicollet, flat 2, SKIRT CUTTER aud titter, good wages. Apply, at once, address K68 Tirbuue. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework: small bonse; good wages. 3113 Bines av S. WANTED DISHWASHER AT NEW SVEA Restaurant.

1317 Wushtngtou av S. Cjuie ready to work. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- woik; small family; niodcru house. H14 E. 19th 6t, flat 2.

WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework on North UHkota farm. tall at 2026 3rd av 8. WANTED LAUNDRY GIRLS. GIRL TO Op erate body IroiuT. Apply Electric Laundry, 1203 3rd av S.

WASTED! MMEDIATELY. GIRL FOR GEN- eriil housework; no washing or ironing. 2416 Jjtevens av 5. WANTED EXPERIENCED SHIRT GIRLS, collar girl ami starcher, Sanitary Laundry, OIK 3rd av S. WANTED A GOOD HOME FOR A GIRL 11 years old.

mar Lulayette school. Address MUI7 Tribune. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER ON SMALL FARM at once. Address William Oxford, Fulda R. 1.

WANTED FLOOR MAID AT THE NORTH- boopnal. Apply before 12 27th and Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CUSTOM COAT helpers, ebhler Tallant, li 7th st second floor. I WANTED EXTRA SALESWOMEN TO WORK Saturday aud special sales days. E.

li. Atkinson A Co. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; easy place. Grove 4h. 3541 Pills bury av.

WANTED COMPETENT SEWING GIRL TO work ou ladies' suits and helper. Phone Miliu 1020. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO RUN shirt machines. I'tiiteuix Laundry, 251 1st av s. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR LIGHT housework, special tluytt off.

1111 Monroe st WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wwili, feiuiiil faulty, no WiisU.i.g. I' av. WANIED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wnik. Inquire hi 7 WiiNtitijctiui av S. Store, WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR C00KINO IN mall lioarding house.

4:1,5 Adams st NK. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR order cooking. 220 Washington av S. WANTED A WOMAN SHORT ORDER COOK, reslMiiiMllt. U02 enlrai av.


12 23nl av S. WANTED SCANDINAVIAN GIRL FOR GEN t-IHl bollSei.rk. HI HV s. WANTED A GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AT Southern Hotel. 4th av S.


1'w Itth st S. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED ALTERATION oBiaa. 16 7tb st N. WANTED A OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wore WANTIQ AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT BUSINESS CHANCE $300 WILL GIVE YOU good paving interest in the land and exchange business; party in this has other business. Davis, 525 Boston Block.

BUSINESS CHANCE 7-R00M FURNISHED flat for sale; teruia; modern, piano. Hennepin Mats. 1229 Hennepin av; flat 20, Take elevator. Center 4247. BUSINESS CHANCE 160 ACRES WISCON-sin la-id to exchange for rooming house, vacant lots or automobile; snap for life.

Davis. 524 Boston Block. BUSINESS CHANCE SNAP; 10-ROOM ROOM-ing house, clearlug above the rent, $75 per month, small payment down aud terms. Da- M81524 Boston Block. FOR" SALE GENERAL" MERCHANDISE STOCK and buildings In good northern Montana town; Investment no trade considered.

Address T78, OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY STORE AND creamery, on South Side, doing a fine cash business; will take lot as part paymeut. 602 Metropolitan Building. BUSINESS CHANCE FOR SALE, GOOD FOUR-chair barber shop with bath; best proposition in the state; good reason for selling. Ad-dress TS6, Tribune. BUSINESS CHANCE ROOMING HOUSE furniture for sale cheap.

Flat for rent If desired. Fitch. 1714 8lh av S. Flat 1. ROOMS TO LET.

Furnished Booms. TO LET BEAUTIFUL SUNNY CORNER front, room, In a strictly modern sleam healed house; good baths and plenty hot water: close to good restaurant; $13 per month. 1300 3rd av S. Center 4387. TO LET NEWLY FITTED AND FURNISHED steam heat, electric light, best lu city, en-' trally located; 50c to $1 per day; $3 to $5 per week.

Park hotel, coiner Nicollet and Washington avs. HARVARD CHAMBERS HOTEL. Fine apartments, furnished or uuf urnlshed; best cafe; elegant, new indies' reception room. Come and see what we have, 22 10th at S. TO LET OnYTrONI AND BACK PARLOR, newly furnished, lo modern tint.

15 minutes' walk from 6th and Nicollet and Si miuutes' ride, on Mb. and Central car. South 1060. TO LET FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN ALL modern home, nice location, rent cheap; one block from 4th av car. two blocks from Lake St.

tll45 Clinton av. Phone Calhoun 3252. TO LET BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM, gronnd Boor, bright and airy, aieaui heat, suitable for two, must be seen to he appreciated, rent cheap. 320 10th st 8. NICtLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE DAY, week or moulh; close to shopping and business district; transient business solicited.

The Lamlour, 820tj Nicollet av. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM, EVERY, thing modern, private entrance, easy walking distance, will put In 'phone for desirable party. 306 lith stFlat M. BUFFET HOTEL 307 Washington av 6, convenient location, sleam heat and bath, clean, well furnished rooms, rstes very reasonable. TO LET SINGLE0R BUTTE OF MODERN furnished rooms, board If desired, or housekeeping privileges.

Walking distance. 1118 Aldrlch av N. Plymouth car. SUITE OF NICELY FUHNISHED HOUSE-keeplng rooms, front parlor, first floor, beautifully furnished, also sleeping rooms, ait modern. 1513 Chestnut at.

TO tETWOLEAMOlliiECTWtr ROOMS furnished complete for housekeeping, adjoining bath, electric light, telephone, rent teas-onable. 1020 ltav TO LET LARGE FRONT ROOM, VERY furnished, light aud pleasant, strictly modern, facing Lorlng park, leusouable. 121 Willow st. Main 3347. TO LEI PLEASANT ROOM IN BEAUTIFUL comer flat facing Loriug park; walkiug dis-tauce; rent reasonable; references required.

14tS Willow fit, flat 7. TO LET "EXTRA BEAUTIFUL, clean, sunny steam healed risim with alcove, furnished fur light housekeeping; easy walk ing. 1 103 2nd av 8. ONE FURNISHED DANDY LARGE LIGHT front room for housekeeping, sewer, water, gas for cooking, rent cheap, $10 per mouth. 615 Cedar av JS TO" LET NICE FRONT ROOM 'WITH AL-cove luruished complete for light hoiisekeep- ing; also other nicely furnished rooms.

Call 1127 Hennepin. 10 LET CLEAN, PLEASANT ROOM, TWO windows, modern house, excellent both, hard wood floors, -private family. 70 13th si, near Nicollet. TO LET A PLEASANT OUTSIDE ROOM IN niodcru flat. Irtu large closets, reasonable rout.

020 Chicago av, Hut 3. Telephone Center 6139. TO LET NEWLY FURNISHED, "MODERN', sunny room, steam beat, gas, fine bath, large closet. Oakland apartments. 213 'Jlh st S.

Flat 50 LET TWO NICE LIGHT PLEASANT rooms, centrally located, eay walking dis tance, modem. Phone, private family, til 6 16th st. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TRANSIENTS at the Cuesar Hotel, 30 Washington av 0 Strictly modem turoughout; by day. wtek oe mouth. TO LET B00M3 IN PRIVATE I LAI, ALL conveniences, central lucativu, phone and use of parlor for gentlemau.

65 loth st flat 2. TO LET NICE FRONT PARLOR AND BED- room, hot water beat, all modern, per month. Private entrance. 417 Iltb st Flat 2. TO LET WILL RENT VERY REASONABLE to oartv furnishing references, one largo Hon.

room in private house. Modern. 1111 Portland av. TO LET NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, EN-tircly modern, gentlemen only, to S15. Telephone Center 1546.

or call BO lirth. st S. TO LET A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, IN strictly modern hot water heated flst, telephone and spring water. 64 11th st S. TO LET PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT room for three umu.

aio suinll front room, gentlemen ouly. 8nd 3rd sv TO LET FOR LIGHTHOUSEKEEPING, rooms aud pautry on first fl'sir; tu rooms ou second floor. loo fc. i.iirj st. TLETNEwTYURNlSHEb TfiONT ROOM" modern house, convenient to car line.

T. S. phone Calhoun 3307. 2045 Chicago av. TO LET ONE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN modern Hal, block from Lormg Pink.

Phone Main 1830. (17 Spruce Pliiec, Flat 1. TO LET PLEASANT, WELL FURNISHED rooms in strictly modern lint, walking dis tauce. Inquire 1012 Hawthorn nv. TO LET FURNISHED FRONT 2 ROOM FLAT for light housekeeping; modern, private en trance.

IS'j Dili st NE, flat 5. TO LET TWO NICELY FURNISHED CON nectlng rooms for light housekeeping, gas and bath. 1711 2d av S. TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE BLOCK car; splendid location; puces reasonable, luoi 3d av, corner loth st s. TO LET ONE OR TWO FURNISHED BOOMS for housekeeping, modern house, reut reason able.

1510 Nicollet av. TO LET ONE VERY LARGE NICELY FUR ulshed, boated room for housekeeping, uouse modern. t(2it iltb av n. TO LET NICELY NEW FURNISHED ROOMS one block from 4th av car line; good location 523 01 st flat B. TO LET NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, new furniture, steam heat, all mod ern.

523 th st S. TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping at $8, $10 and 12 per uioiuu. 1329 Nicollet. TO LET 6UITE OF ROOMS AND ALSO light housekeeping, transient accommodation 1 4 Uj Nicollet. TO LET FINE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping, in good appearing all modern House 114 Iltb st S.

TO LET WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM In modern flat; rent reasonable. 1122 Chest nut av, flat 3. TO LET MODERN ROOM WITH PRIVATE family. 1918 Hawthorn av, flat 8, or call Nicollet 2155. TO LET HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS in a modern flat, meal if desired.

910 bill av flat 6. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, STEAM heated flat: second floor, cheap rent. J0I5 3rd av S. TO LET NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AT $3 a week: best location lu cily. 21 OlhstS.

TO LET ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING; house modern. 029 6th av s. TO LET MODERN FURNISHED ROOM, $2.60 per week. u4 1st av s. TO LET ROOM IN ALL MODERN FLAT.

627 Oth st Flat B. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND ALCOVE for light housekeeping, all modern, one second Hisir. Call 1714 2d av S. Phone South TO LET ONE NICE, UNFURNISHED ROOM" with sued snd conveniences ror nouseaecpiug, (5 nor month.

Call, upstairs, 324 8th st vn't FT LABOR FRONT" ROOMS. city water, gas, sewer, shed, fine near southeast streetcars, nooge, oj.i noston oiu, fOLET W0" loir room, am or service, storeroom, gas oily water. $5, near car line. 3to 22d st. TO TFT FOUR ROOMS.

GAS AND BATH. down stairs: rent reasonable: one halt block 2ntb av N' car. Newton av TO LET FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND cood sized barn. S12. 282 AKirien av rs.

T. S. Phone North 1899 10 LET FOUR LARGE ROOMS. WATER, GAS and toilet, second floor. io.

rveys at WJO sill av Rooms With Board to Let, TO LET PLEASANT ROOM BOARD In modern house, one block from 8th and Emerson oar, $3.75 per week. 2310 Fremont av N. TO LET BOARD AND BOOMS, MODERN bouse. walkio dislfin.e. .1010 I 2d av S.

Calhoun 2533. $226 CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GR0- eery; good living moms adjoining. Cheap rent. $1.500 Family grocery doing $33 tusiness; fine location: expeusea low; a rare bargain. See us at once.

$1,500 Confectionery, cigars and lee cream parlor. Pool tables adjoining; only $000 cash required. This la a high-class proposition that will surely interest jou. Investigate. Eight-room rooming house; very central; dandy.

$330. Fifteen room rooming house, beautifully fur. nished. central; clears $125 monthly; price only $850. 24-room hotel, all outside rooms, central location, cheap rent; a dandy, $2,000.

44-room hotel, nicely furnished, best location, a money maker; Best bargains In the Northwest are listed with me. No matter what you want I cau save yon time and money, BURROUGHS, Fifth Floor, Northwestern 322 Hennepin. FOR SALE, CHEAP Stork merchandise, nearly all nw this spring. Invoice about $19,000, good live town, no trades, cheap for cash ouly. Address W358 Tribune.

BIG DIVIDENDS PAID IN LOUISIANA. The Louisiana Exploitation Association of Phreveport, Louisiana, pays 2 per cent monthly, or 24 per cent yearly, on Its treasury stock. Shares are $1 each and an opportunity is now offered to every one. These dividends sre earned through the sale of alluvisl farm lands In North Louisiana. It Is a sound aud safe company whose officers are men of national reputations.

If 2 per cent per month looks good to you, by all means investigate this stock before the opportunity has passed. Address W. A. Jones, Sec'y, Louisiana Exploitation Association, 612 Kabn Bldg, Shrere-port, La. FOR SALE A GOOD MEAT BUSINESS IN A live town only 25 miles from Minneapolis, including two-story brick building, containing large refrigerator, which will hold 8O0 cakes of ice, now tilled, a tine gasoline en-glne and other tools, all In good condition.

A brick smokehouse, also large barn aud slaughter house In connection. Price for all, $4,000. Easy terms. Address M516 Tribune. BUSINESS CHANCE FOR SALE, BLACK- smith suop tools, and lot.

buop is equipped with gasoline engine, trip hammer, emery stand, two forges, Barcus shoeing supek, etc. Population 700. Large farming territory; plenty of work for two men year around. Must be sold this month. A bargain.

Peter Kamach, Anamoose, N. I. FOR SALE PACIFIC COAST SAW MILL AND timber, lOO.OOo capacity band sawmill. Everett, 60,000,000 feet fir timber tributary thereto, actual value. Small payment down, no better bargain on the Pacini: coast.

Also feet timber on tidewater, Puget. Sound, very cheap. Address W3l Tribune. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS $3508 rooms, rent $25, income $55. $550 10 rooms, rent $30, 2 rooms pay rent.

$450 14 rooms, rent $40, Income $130. These are a few of our bargains. Call and See us for others. KE15NK, 302 NICOLLET AV, ROOM 700. FOR SALE THE FURNITURE AND LEASE of 47 beautiful light rooms, tbla hotel Is modern and located In the finest part of the business district, clearing a lot of money; If you have $1,000, we will loan the balance to buy this; price named cut in two.

Loan Department, 408 Globe Bldg. 6al'e78dandy' milk routes, with horses, wagons and bottles, everything complete and In tery good order, clearing $70 to $135 per month; very good milk supply; also extra milk wagon, built for bottles. For information call 2S20 Emerson av 8. T. S.

Calhoun 3269. BUSINESS CHANCE BEST DEPARTMENT house iu tin: city, ideal location, doing good business, all new, private baths. Will let $4(10 per month; over 50 per cent on price asked. leaving city and will sell at cost; $3,500 cash; balance terms; no agents, Address Tribune. BUSINESS CHANCE FOR SALE: A COM- plete stock of house furnishings and dry goods in one of the best locations on the North Side; store iu existence 15 years and a money maker; good country trade, years' leuse on building; $3, $00 cash.

Address WIM Tribune. ARE YOU A "LIVE ONE!" ARE YOU A BIG enough man to handle an exceptioually good proposition? Exclusive control lu city of Minneapolis. Some capital required, but the man (the man with ia what we want chiefly. Write quick. M233 FURNITURE OF 14 ROOMS, MODERN ROOM- lug bouse, parquet Doors, steam heat, good furniture, scrauiied perch, large lawn and garden, low reut, lovely home with good In-come, walking distance, leaving city only reason for selling.

1326 2nd av 8. STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE OF ooo, southwestern Minnesota: did (SO.oOO business last year, stock Al. Will consider good farm in part payment. Disagreement of partners. Give full particulars first letter.

Address X4 Tribune. FOR SALE LARGE GENERAL STOCK OF merchandise with buildings lu live Wisconsin town; best location, surrounded by some ot the best dairying country in Northwest; easy terms to rlg'jt party. Address K3S7, Tribune. I'VE GOT THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT in harvesting machinery made iu teu years. Patents secured.

Company formed. Want man who cau Invest to come in with me and maiuifacture machines. Address L7S2 Tribune. FOR SALE STOCK OF GENERAL MER- chandise and building, located In a new Hollander colony, more colonists coming in this spring, country place with postofllce In connection. Inquire Postmaster, Butler, Minn.

A SNAP. First-class bakery, best of location, all complete, Willi stock, fixtures, doing a big business; part ensh, terms; change of climate cause for sale. Address M051, Tribune. FOR SALE THE ONLY ICE BUSINESS IN town of 2.500, including buildings, horses, wagons and tools. Ice all put up; must sell on account of poor health.

For information write Box 862, Le Sueur, Minn. BUSINESS CHANCE I HAVE A SPLENDID business proposition; office and outside work for a man with few huudred dollars; salary aud commission; must act quick. Call al once; Campbell, 1050 Hennepin ar. $1,700 TAKES TWO AUTOMOBILES, ONE desk, six cbairs, one sate aud a good business paying a profit of $300 per mouth. If you want this answer quielt.

Good reason for yelling. jymieHs inutility BUSINESS CHANCE FOR SALE, 8T0CK OP general merchandise Invoicing about good clean stock and live town about 40 miles from Twin Cities. Good reason for selling. Address TOO Tribune. BUSINESS CHANCE (-ROOM ROOMING house, all modern, hot water beat, full of roomers, only $200.

Ten-room house, ouly must be sold tills week. 114 1Kb st S. vO0M MODERN HOUSE, A GOOD place for hoarding ami rooming, rooms all filled. House new. eerytbing In good condition.

Sell cheap If taken at once. Spruce 1581. 636 Monroe st NE. GENERAL STORE STOCK FOR SALE, GOOD location aud business; new town, large surrounding country; terminal of railroad; Bunnell and Pleutywood branch. Jay A.

Ford, Plcntywood, Mont. BAKERY, BEST LOCATION IN ST. PAUL; have three wagons, horses, with fine wholesale trade; also good retail trade; will sell reasonable. See owner, 533 St. Claire st, St.

Paul, Minn. $6,000 WILL HANDLE ONE OF THE BEST eutslivisious at rignr. iu ine noom district. Chance of a lifetime for a live real estate firm with $3,000 cash. Address M4H0 Tribune.

FOR SALE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF VARL ety store; all or part; good chance for lady to buy pan; ureal town or s.ouo good location. Write, Fair, 107 Arch st, Cloquet, Minn. $700 CIGAR STAND IN OFFICE BUILDING; also botel cigar stand, ti.iuo; pool ball, amai; cash grocery, $325, with living rooms; modern rooming bouse, $450, 14 rooms. Goocb, 435 Temple Court. GROCERY STORE AND CONFECTIONERY, will sacrifice for $1,500, of will Invoice; doing a $22 daily business.

Call Sundays It desired. Owner, 822 Western nv, N. W. Highland 753. HERE! LOOK! $100 DOWN I Ten room well paying hoarding house, strictly modern, owner sick, will sell for $300.

$100 down. It's worth $U0. Locators, 618 Bosom Block. P00LRO0M FOR SALE, MIGOTrTdE for oily property, good proposition, would sell half Interest or lease fixtures; owner csn't run It; call Flgecs Grocery, 700 Otb st South, 6 sale in one" em osY'up-tcT ante clues of upper Minnesota, a good drug store; part cash, balance grocery or house and lot In Minneapolis. Address XII Tribune.

OC ERY STOCK, mYaTMARKET, best of locution, party lived there for 14 years. Retiring, will invoice stiles from lfK to $. per day. Si'HIie. 4is Sykes Blk.

restaurants and lunch rooms in town; very reasonable; must sell account of some other bu-lness ou hand. Address M437 Tribune. MU5T SeTl AT 6 Ce7 CO FECT tONERY siore, 1411 4tb av S. will sell for $3n0 If taken before Irldiiy. March lo.

FtilisVTII. Metropolitan Bide. TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE anv kind. Htirwhero. NORTH WKTKKN AO KNOT.

311 312 Bank of Commerce WANTED OFFICE HELP Experienced bookkeeper, of good address; hours, 8 to salary, $12 to $15. Assistant bookkeeper and price clerk; small jobbing bminess; $12. Stenographer, experienced in lumber; $65. German Catholic sales lady: North Dakota general store; $40, with advancement. Bookkeeper and typewriter operator: northern Minnesota general store; $40 to $50.

S. A. MORAWETZ J130 METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING. ft- WANTED. A first-class office girl to copy lists Jf and wait on also answer -X- telephone.

Must have experience. Ap- -ft ply 1'rotlt Sharing Laundry 4il -)f 5th av S. jj. 4r4r4r4f WE WANT THREE raphers, who ure Al Smith Premier operators, We would also like to have the applications of several good stenographers. No charge to register.

The Commercial Bureau, 615 Audius Bldg. WANTED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN FOR riKimiug house, $7 per week; two chambermaids, $25 per month; two kitchen girls, $6 per week; also middle aged woman to take charge of rooming house aud two housekeepers, 525 month. 4iij Washington av room 0. WANTED PANTRY GIRL, SECOND-" COOK, three cuoks out, of cily. $50; muuy waitresses, good wages; head waitress for best places in mid out of city.

Hotel and Restaurant Men's Employment Office, 400 Kasota Bldg. Mary L. Crawford, manager. WANTED h6tELC0OK, PLAIN, $30; end coot, laundress, waitresses, housekeeper, tiermuii; general glils fur cily; second cook, (wfi helpers in lunch room, short hours; glass girl, general girl, laundress. Benton, 717 1st av S.

WANTED BOOKKEEPER, MAN OR WOMAN, for a publishing house, one who understands the Norwegian language preferred, state experience and salary. Position open now. Address M4S2 Tribune. HOUSEKEEPER FOR HOTEL, $30, CITY; chambermaid; also girls for general house-woik; psnly girl and waitresses for In and out of city. 700 Sykes Block, 254 Hennepin 11T.

THE ART OF MILLINERY TAUGHT Individual instruction given each pupil. Frame making taught In ten days. Reasonable tuition. U5 Boston bhick, st and Hennepin av. WANTED A GIRL OF REFINEMENT AND good appearance lo work in sheet music store, in Minneapolis.

be able to play the piano well. Inquire 25-27 6th st, St. Paul. Minn. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework.

Best of wages in a small town. Thoroughly modern house, small family and no children. Address Box 224 Foley Minn. WANTED SCANDINAVIAN GIRL TO WORK in boarding house; good wages. Call at C.

A. Smith's pine office, corner of 44th av and l.yudnle. Ask for llowkinson's boarding house. WANTEDXPErTeNCED 0FFICE GIRL, stenographer. for nearby town; dining room girl for out 0 town hotel, waltrcssei aud chambermaids, Puvls, 525 Boston Block.

r1stauhantc6ok, $3, $6. Kitchen and combiuatiou girls; man and wife on farm. Places free to' general housework girls. Mitogen's, 30Tth st H. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG LADY, TO LEARN easy paying trade; good writer; experience unnecessary; slate ago and lowest salary wanted at start.

Address M67B Tribune. WNTEDCA8HIER, $35 AND BOARD HEAD waitresses, $55 to $50; waitresses, $2S to $30; cwk, $50; second, $35; dishwashers, $25. Mc-Alplne, 020 Nicollet, Room 308. WANTED LADIES WITH WIDE ACQUAINT-ance, devote all or part time, excellent proposition. 1216 Guaranty Building, open Friday und Monday evenlngB until ji, OUR REPUTATION ESTABLISHED, TRY our alteration, repairing, cleaning department; also plumes dyed, cleaned, enrled.

My Wardrobe. 704 1st av STENOGRAPHER WHO HAS HAD SOME Experience, willing to work for jofdorale salary; short hours. Stevens Whelau, 700 Sykea Block. 254 Hennepin av. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, no canvassing, send for particulars.

PresB Syu-dlcate, Lockport, N. Y. LADIES' SUITS DRY CLEANED $1760; skirts, 75c. We call and deliver; all work guaranteed. Western Uye House, 617 st.

Calhoun 3057. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER BY A MIDDLE-aged man. must be brunette, age about 34, 5 feet, weigh als.ut 125; easy work, big pay. Address M032 Trlbun WANTED GIRL FOR PLAIN HOUSEWORK. Three adults In fumlly; no washing, $3 per week; plain cooking; steady position.

500 Temple Court. WANTED GOOD STEADY GIRL WITH BOMB experience In confectionery and light grocery; atale wages expected. Address W303, Tribune. WANTED EXPERIENCED FINISHERS ON custom pants; steady Job and good pay. Call at 41.J Washington av room H.

Lustgarten. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, one with some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred. Advance Distil ling gS 1st av S. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER, NEAT, RE- speetnble woman, age not over as per ninnent housekeeper. Address M538 Tribune.

WANTED AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRA- pher at once; must be able to assist ou books. $10. Metropolitan Life. WANTED FIVE LADIES FOR VAUDEVILLE act, $1H per week, uud railroad fare. Must travel and he steady.

2032 Stevens av. LADY COMPOSITOR WANTED IN A GOOD country oftice; slate experience and age; wages wanted. Address X12 'Tribune. HAIR SWITCHES AND BRAIDS LARGE stock, good qullity, all shades; faded switches dyed, 5oc. Powers Hair Department.

WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, no cooking. Call at once. Small family. 2200 Garlleld av S. Flat 3.

WANTED DAY AND EVENING SCHOOL AT Cuton Business College, 2u3 2nd av h. Common English branches taught also. WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP; ONE FIRST class body Irouer, also starcher. Apply Electric Laundry, 12033rd av WANTED GERMAN GIRL FOR H0U8E- work, no cooking; private family. 2929 Grand av S.

Phone Calhoun 2061. WANTED LADY TO ASSIST IN GROCERY store. come well recommended. Call at 2321 Blooinlngton av. WANTED FIRST CLASS COLLAR GIRL, White Steam laundry, 923 Washington av S.

AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS $30 PER WEEK SELLING OUR wonderful lock stitch sewing awl. Over 300 per cent profit. M. Neal sold 20 in live hours, cleared send quick for sample and complete Instructions.

Anchor Mfg. IMv. 3, Dayton. Ohio. BUSJNESS CHANCES.

17-R00M ROOMING HOUSE, STRICTLY MOD- ein, moving to Texas; will sacrihee; act quick: only $500 cash required. Locators, bis Boslou Block. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY IN ONE OF the tluest locatious in the city; must be sold al once at a sacrifice; price $550. Baker, 32 Boston Block. BAKERY FOR SALE, THIS PLACE IS BUIT- able tor lunn with outside trade, large Middle-by oven; sold cheap for cash.

Call 1537 Luke st, city. $75 TO $100 PER MONTH FOR THE RIGHT party rrom stis-K invoicing anoui -ru; leav lug city. For particulars address M362 Trib line; no agents. WANTED PARTY WITH $60,000 TO BUY half or pari interest in live dtipartnient siore pro(osltiou iu the Twin Cities. Address M27 Tribune.

POOL ROOM, CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY business lor sale; two pool tables; good loea tlon; will sell cheap lor cash. 24ul Wash ington av N. TRANSIENT HOTELS. BEST OF LOCATIONS aud trades from $250, $300, (1,000, $2,000. Scatlc, 40S Sjkes Illk.

MERCHANDISE BOUGHT FOR CASH, ANY time, anywhere. If you wsnt to sell quick, describe your stock. Catllu, 433 Audius Building. REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. NEXT 70 largest In county.

Will exchange lor good I'akola lund or renl estate iu cily. X13 1 1 ibolie. A YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE WISHES purcluise a country bunk or will organize with oiucrs lu a good lacullty. Address Wlil Tribune. BIGGEST SNAP IN ROC ERY TOR IT i model living rooms, rent -5; price best of local Ion; trade.

Sisne, 4o8 Svkes MODERN ROOMING HOUSES AND FLATS. 6 rooms, $150; moms, $2ott; 10 rooms, $401) ana up. Stimo. 4t's sykes Hik. FOE RENT NEW MODERN STORE FOR dry gixsis or iinlliiMT.v.

iiuuce of a ill' time; Mil ward. Hox l.sT. eiiy. MR. SALARIED MAN: DO YOU WISH TO retire in tew ye.tr7 If so, invesllgule our pian.

Address W3oO I rtbnoe. 26-R00M TRANSIENT HOTEL, RENT ONLY $ili jw-r luontb; See me today Stan' lllleld. 11H itb St S. FOR SALE LUNCH ROOM AND BAKERY AT Lake Harriet; ul s. il reasouabin If taken once.

42nd st. SMALL STEAM LAUNDRY for fhI Ad iresi o.i g.ssl leasun for aeillbg. 1 flume. 200 PLASUT MACHINES FOR SALE; PAY about month. Martiu, Svk lOtl SALE BEST HOTEL OF 11 ROOMS IN Furnished Flats.

FLAT FURNISHED TO LET, MODERN, heated, well furnished flat, five rooms and bath, dtiptu, second floor, for rent cheap If taken soon. References. 12t fc. 28th at. Phone South 6154.

A STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM FLAT, IN private house, nicely furnished, finest locality, cheap to one or two adults; employed preferred. 25tS Garfield. TO LET NEW MODERN FOUR-ROOM FLAT, one-nair block to Mcollet car line; fine location; neatly furnished. Call 3714 Plllsbury. Grove 606.

TO LET FOR OR 8 MONTHS, A HEATED, wen iurnisneo room fiat, strictly modern; no children. Call N. W. Souttb 3683. Flats Wanted.

WANTED BY APRIL 1, FLAT OF FOUR OR five rooms; North Side; modern except heat; must be reasonable rent. Address M789, 'Tribune. WANTED 4 TO 6-ROOM THOROUGHLY MOD- ern Hat or 5 or 6 nmiu furnished cottage; best of references. Address Poslofflee Box 17. TO LET MISCELLANEOUS.

TO LET IMPROVED AND PARTIALLY equipped chicken ranch and garden place. Call on W. B. ftlley. ooo Harmon place, or phone Main 1155 aud Center BW Friday or Saturday between 9 and 12 a.


OWNERS WILL D1VIDH BPACB TO SUIT TENANTS. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY THORPE 206 AN'DRt'S 20TH AV NO. BUSINESS LOCATION 813 305 20th av No. double store, new building, modern except heat, full cemented hasemeof, eiegant location for furniture, hard "ore, dry good or other mercantile lines. ill divide for right tenants.

Also second floor same building, line for light manufaetiiriiig. HARRY A. WILLIAMS-202 Metropolitan Life w'' Specialty. TO LET STORE FOR av, atrletly modern, full wise basem*nt; rent reasonable; excellent local loo for retail business of any kind. New hotel is being built a block and a half from store.

Travel from hotel will pass store. Thousands of people pass "corner dully. Dlrabl" for small bank, confectionery, delicatessen, gents' furnishings, automobile supplies, etc. Call at Hoom 34, second fl'sir of building. THE 01TFICE ARCADE, Corner 4th st and 2nd av V.

Strt floor apace for merchandise brokers, agents, branch offices of wholesale bouses, etc. Steam beat. Dk room. Sea Janitor, 130 4th st or phone T. 8.

841. TO LET 1100 HENNEPIN AV, CORNER Hennepin and 11th at, strictly modern store, full size, lighted banetnent, aoiid glass front Hennepin, and also on 11th st. Excellent corner for relaU business. Sea owner. Room 29, second flir of building.

TOILET" wantedT relialpabtt TO rent store and tt-rwm flat above, on Iltb at between Nicollet snd Hennepin. For lnforma-Hon call South 1956. TO LET STORAGE AND OFFICE SPAOE, with railroad trackage, telephones, etc. We save you money. Colonial Varehoue 312 3d st N.

Office and Desk Loom to Let. VERY DESIRABLE 0FFI0E OR DESK SPACE, In. holing telephone use, in centrally located building, reasonable rent. (s8 Bank of Commerce Itilibiilig. TOLETCLEAN, LIGHT OPTICE SPACE, sulisble for ouc.

or more desks. 2.0 51b si, second fbsjr. A FEW FINELY DECORATED OFFICES. Joslah Thouipsou, 701 Bldg. Stores Wanted.

WANTED TO RENT A STORE WHICH could be remodeled for a moving picture theater. Address W'400 Tribune. Office Room Wanted. SMALL OFFICE ROOM IN CONNECTION WITH other tiff Ices, with use of phones and stenographer's servU-es. Address or phone E.

Brockrnyer, Msjesltc Hotel. Farms to Let. FEAL ESTATE FOR BALE, 160 ACRES, NEW house, barn snd 100 spple trees, ffor Fruit lend In Bjyflehi countty, Wisconsin, rice to three stations, one half mile to school, settlers on all shies; no stump fcr snamp; Isrge well; five acres cleared, balance easily cleared. Terms easy. Adriross G.

arks, 455 Temple Courtt, hours to 4, or phone Annex 417. Fine 220 a fa mToo-m i lesTfr min- nespolis, three miies from g.sst town; extra good set of buildings; loo acres cultivated; 25 acres meadow; bslsnce pasture. Want a good man to go onto this plain at once. SCHWAB 123 Guaranty Iiati MlnnespolU, Minn. TO All MFT(W-AClt EtL EN-B LOO -Ington, Hennepin Cm.

Call good buildings, Improved. Calhoun 3175. Farms Wanted. WANTED 160-ACRE FARM TO RENT 11F proved with good buildings, wltbln 15 miles of Minneapolis. Address Signer Johnson, Sta.

K. 1, Box40. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED TO RENT-FARM ON- SHARES, I 2. 3 or 4 hundred acres.

Apply to 1122 5lh st S. Upstairs. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Houses and Lots. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE, 6 ROOMS AND bath, alt modern, must sel 1st once on account of leaving city; owuor living In house.

Please call at 17U8 Hague av, Merriatn Park. 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR $260 DOWN, LOCATED on beautiful lot, among residences worth to $6,000. This home Is yours for $2,300, on terms. Locator. 618 Boston Block.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, B-HOOM HOUSEi' in. good condition, cily water, gas in street, 50 foot lot, bordering on Powderhorn park; will sell at a bargain. 3426 14th av S. $3.800 BUNGALOW. BEFORE YOU BUY lliat cute oue you looked nt, see ours.

Sightly, modern, up-to-date, six rooms. Terms. Keene. 302 Nicollet av. room 700.

sale, cheap, or will trade; house must be moved away. Frleson, 411 Palace Building, 'Phone (enter 11138. FOR SALE NEW 7-ROOM STRICTLY MOD- ern house, $200 down, $20 per mouth; $20 Includes interest. This week only. 3921 Oiikliiinl sv.

SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 8-ROOM HOUSE, cheap, big lot, well, shed and cistern, sll fenced, live near Germans. See owner, 2721 201 nv S. REAL'ESTATE $3,000 2918 GRAND AV 8, 9-room brick veneered house, unliable for two families. Call any lime and ntnko offer; owner.

FOR SALE A FOUR-FAMILY FLAT NEAR 20th av and Aldrlch, renleil al $63 per month, for $5,500. Part Hnie. Address 1,632 Tribune. REAfL ESTATE! NEW ALL MODERN Du" pies, will easily rent for $i(i; might take good house in ens av. trade.

(h tier. 3l3, Stcv- DUPLEX. 10 ROOMS, ALL MODERN EXCEPT heal, 10 minutes' walk from donutovui. For particulars Inquire of owner, 402 Bryaut N. FOR SALE AN UP TO DATE FOUR-ROOM bungalow, new Inst fall, will let go cheap or.

monthly payments if sold at once. 4128 43rd av S. $3,000 SPLENDID NEW 7-ROOM HOME, hot waler heat, sideboard, long living room. Eighth ward. Center 1K2.

Key 2912 Stevens av. fiT 6 AN A BEAUTIFUL LYNNHURST bungalow, double corner lot, fine view, worth $7,000, for $5,500, call Gurnce, 'plumes 1211). FOR SALE A SNAP, CORNER LOT and house. Inside of 2th ft rented S'lu. Theodore Wetniore Co.

507 Palace Bldg. 8-ROOM. MODERN H0U3E great bargain, good location for home or Investment, leaving cily. 3016 lsi av S. 7-rooni bouse, city water, good weil and shed, fruit trees.

4531 Pleasant av. IlY6wNER, STRICTLY' MODERN, 10-ROOM house and bam. Can be beeu at any time, 3720 lupoiitvS. $20 TWO" ROOMS; $700. ROOMS; 7 rooms: $50 on each and monthly.

Martin, 300 Sykes block. nU6T" SELlTmY GEM OF A HOME: FIGHT rooms, all modern. See owner at 3225 Oakland at. $360 FOR TWO LOTS, A SMALL HOUSE Rooms With Boaxd to Let. HOTEL MANHATTAN, CORNER NICOLLET and 13th, under new management, a lew strictly modern rooms, with or without board, at reasonable prices.

Phono Main 3567. THE ELLIOT With or without board, sleam heat, finest home in the city. 14uO Oth av. Phone Ceiner 5743. TO LET BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO; private home, modern, pleasant front room, overlooking park.

Phone 1307 Hylaud. 712 Elwood av. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO SINGLE ROOM, modern hitise. steam heat; walking distance; private family; hoard It desired. 61 Highland av.

TO LET HAVE TWO ROOMS ON FIRST floor suiuibla for four young ladies or gentle-men, in au all niodcru house, all 1010 2nd av S. Rooms With Board Wanted. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM WANTED IN a private family by a bookkeeper; prefer a Scandinavian family: please slate price, etc. Address M780. Tribune.

WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR AN OLD gentleman; must be neat and reasonable; German family on North Side preferred. T. S. Norlh 26. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD NEAR LOGAN school, 18th aud Emerson A by lady aud boy.

K. Klelu 223 5th St. Rooms Wanted. WANTED IN THE VICINITY OF I1TH ST and Hennepin, a clean, comfort able and pleasant room, with two single beds, by man and wife, who are both employed during the dtiy; will pay reasonable rent. Address W476, Tribune.

WANTED AT ONCE, BY MANAND WIFE, tire, no th.un nirimt tnr llurhl tlnltlrieril II It furnished or unfurnished, within live blocks of 25th and 1st av with, private family. Annress fli.sirt, rinunt WANTED TWO CONNECTING ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, furnished, in the Ttcinuy of Lake st, 6th av or 27th St. Address M71, Tribune. HOUSES TO LET. $30 FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR DUPLEX 1020 lvnoi av rooms ami nam eacu, electric aud gas light, hot water and hot air heat.

$21 aud $19.50, third floor flats 02 4 Western av. Six rooms and bath, hot and cold water. Walking' distance. $1(1, second Moor 2524 Oth av 8. Fottr-roouis, bath, hot and cold water.

A. W. Carlton, First floor New York Life Bldg. $18 fl ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, baruwooil noors, notise ill nrsi cias cooumoii, barn if desired. 192S Oliver av phone N.

3289, oi Dunbar Stevens Investment 401 1st av S. TO LET $40, 10-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MOD- em. barn, garage, all in flue eouiinion; urn av 8 2740. Key at 2736. Owner at 3925 Stevens av.

Phoue South o727. L. A. Mat-teson. TO LEI A 10 and 12-ROOM HOUSE, STRICT- ly modern, lo minutes walk rrom Glass Block.

See what we offer to the right party. Inquire 707 Metropolitan Life Building. TO LET 6-R00M HOUSE, GOOD CELLAR and sheds, not far from car shops and near Cedar ear line, 2013 l'Jlh av s. $12: Inquire at 1521 10th st. MODERN 6-R00M BEST ARRANGED LOW- er duplex, Douglas school district, eiecirie, gas range, screens, lleuedict, 610 Loan and Trust Bldg.

Phone 238. TO LET NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 78? 18th st. owner will deeoiatc and satisfy the requirements of a desirable tenant. $33.

Address 2427 Cllnion a v. TO LET MODERN HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND bath, hot water heat, hardwood floor downstairs, screened in porch. Apply al 2013 6th av S. MODERN. EIGHT ROOMS, HOT WATEB lont.

first-class every way, 019 fc Franklin, hey 608 Irauklin. telephone Cal boon 58. REASONABLE, ALL OR PART OF NEARLY nee, lootleru ref-luenee. huk. basem*nt, gas and bieel ranges, hardwood floors.

343T 3rd av 8. $106 NICE ROOMS, NEAR NEW LAKE ST car t'310. JilM llle tiling lor sired car men. Walker. 104 Century Blilg.

TO LET SIX ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT facing l.ogau Park, $18 per month. llJ Monroe st WANTED 8-R00M MODERN HOUSE, WALK us Addrc Tribune. Duplex Houses. CHOICE APARTMENTS. We have several d'-drubl" apartments.

well locst'd In nh ward with service of lo.vrv Hill, lih av and Nicollet av cars. some ready for occupancy now; others ready April l-l and June lsi. in some heat Is 1'iiriiUlnd. 'I'ltev have ail modern conveniences and improvement. Call at office for key.

MKLIN BROS. I 323 Palace Bldg. Pls.ue enler TO LET UPPER DUPLEX ON APRIL 1, 8 nice, sunny looms and tistn. nnsiern excepi henft. front.

Hue neighborhood; $22.50. 120 Clinton av, or phoue owner, 2852. TO LET-FIVE ROOMS, LOWER FLAT. DU iilcx. $20; modern except heat; 3327 6th av S.

See It, any time. Grove 1073. Office, Center C. A. Robinson.

TO LET 6 ROOMS, LOWER FLAT, LARGE, corner lot, SHI. f. S. North 303s. Address 3204 I'nn av N.

TO LET 6 ROOMS WITH FRONT AND back entrance, water, sewer and cheap rent 2708 Grand av. TO LET A 7-ROOM UPPER DUPLEX, 3 BED rooms, bet water hi at. In Al condition. 2i-ti Chi'-sgo av. Furnished Houses.

TO LET FROM MAY I TO NOV. 1, A COM- nietelv furnished bungalow. .18 ron screened in isireh, misMoii fin large fire place, built-in bookcases and sideboard, all hardwood ll-iors, at naonsble cost. Fast 1061 Houses Wanted. WE HAVE RESPONSIBLE TENANTS WAIT iuu to occupy 6-rooin cottage, desirable.

North and South Minneapolis localities. List your houses und lists. Bates Cramer, 306 Boston Block. Nlcol let 2775. BETWEEN APRIL 1 AND MAY 1, 6 TO room, modern house, west of Lyntlale av 1-ako Harriet or Lynuhursl preferred; careful tenants with best references; answer confidential; no children.

Address M3o8 Tribune. TENANTS-WAITINGFOR 6 ROOM MODERN cottages with yard new car Hue and lake dislricl houses. Bates Cramer, 306 Boaton block. Nicollet 2775. FLATS TO LET.

JOSIAH THOMPSON, Dentals. 701 Northwestern Bldg. The follow die property for rent: We have a few 5 and 6 room flats, walking distance, imidern except hPat, $10 to $la; also 7 rooms, steatn heated, strictly modern, 7 blocks from Hennepin and th st TO "LET TWO "FINE NEW FLATS IN Duplex at ernl of Kenwood car, $50. One small flat, in Ulwell's adillthjn, $10. Bungalow on Como-Harrlet, line, St.

Anthony Park, north, $15; in Oak Grove, sightly., KOI Loan Trust. FOR RENT MODERN 5-R00M FLATS (UP-per and loweri, hardwood finish, hot water beating plsnls, gas ranges, scrrened-ln porches; Grand av near 33rd; $30, GOPHER REALTY Cenler 38tW. 9ti2 N. Y.

Life Bldg. Main 3960. $28 ALL MODERN 6 ROOMS, STEAM HEAT-ed flat, hot wafer year around, all outside rooms, hardwood floors and finish, built-in sideboard, large Krehes, must be seen to be ap preciated. 1101 Lake st 1 AND 8-ROOM MODERN FLATS AT 1812 Hawthorn av: $30. THE F1NANCK COMPANY (IF MINNESOTA d33 Andrus Bldg.

ARCOLA APARTMENTS, 121 st and 2d av S. fn sublet, nice 4-roorn apartment, reduced renlal. cl*ttsi 84S Seeurlly Bldg. TO LET FIVE ROOMS, LOWER FLAT, DU-plcx, $20: modern except heat; 3327 5th av S. See It any time.

Grove 1073. Ol'flcc, Center ll'-'. A. Robinson. TO LET $30 MODERN' STEAM HEATED flats, every convenience, walking distance, grand lacallon, very desirable.

See janitor at B27 5th av TO LET 7-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR sale; terms; modern, piano; Hennepin flats. llcnii' pin nv. Flat 20. Take elevator. Center 4217.

TO LET STRICTLY MODERN SEVEN-ROOM stesiii honied Hut, walking distance to business center and university. 300 University av TO "LET SPRUCE FLATS! 4 OR "6 ROOMS, modern, sienni, giis stove, walking distance, spring water. Inquire 85'i Spruce or John Klnz. TO LET FLAT OF FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms mid bulb, modern evcept heal: $10 a month; three Mom Hut, $8.50. Hit Otb st S.

PARK-AV STr MODERN APART nieiits, $33. Before renting see Bales Cramer, 308 Boston block. Nicollet L'775. foLEl' FINE 4-R06mFLAtTsE WErTwX for and gas, hardwood floors, easy walking dUtitneo. only $13, av N.

toxet 4 exceftheat! second floor, Ht 14th st, $14.50, walking distance. Call at 102 Hennepin TO LET $11 UPPER OR LOWER 4-R00M flat, walking distance, modern except beat. Inquire nt Oil) 41b av NK. TO LET $10 TO $13 LARGE, LIGHT 4-ROOM apartment, gtii, bath, walking distance, very cheap. Mujld av MC.

TO LET 7-ROOM FLAT, ALL MODERN, 2ND floor, hot water heat, separate entrance. Call 820 Ultli nv TO LET 5 ROOM FLAT. WATER, SEWFR ami gss, s. Boor, ltcr.t $3. Cr.l! 2111 25th ENROLL AT ONCE Aod prepare for good position.

Easy to 143 tiood salaries. Quick advancement J1 pcrienced Instrnctora. Can earn board, tl Write for lull Information. UABRY'S Tra.KXiRAPH INSTITUTE, MlnneaK)lis, Vlinn. ANTED ALESl(ENT0REFRESENT THE largest educational Institution in the world.

Good opportunity for advancement, salary and 1 ci.iiiiais6kiD. We train and pay salary while 1 training you. Insurance men considered. Apply Friday, 10 o'clock. B.

W. Buidick, 616 I'ioiir Exchange. NOTICE TO TEAM CONTRACTORS: I Over twenty million yards of good grader, wheeler and fresno work on Canadian Pacific Irrigation ditch. nar Calgary, Canada, 1 Five years' work. 1'rohles and specifications at the office of Clapp-Norstr jui it Riley, 107 3rd a N.

SALESMEN INVESTIGATE OUR ACCIDENT aud health policy, all old and 10 new features; pays the lirst week of sickness and I gives free medical attendance, for $1 ueuttbly. District managers wanted. Mer-cuama. Life A Casualty 412 Nivollet av. TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR DRY goods, also grocery and office specialty; Mlu-nesoia and the two Dakotas; experienced traveling salesmen for old estalillslied line, 1 hardware and lumber dealers: $lot per moulh and expenses.

Davis, Boston Hlwk. KEN AND BOSS'S-WANfSiTl To loin me in seed flax nionosltion. 1 will assume all risk, have better land lor 1M1 thiin last year that paid $25.50 per ere casu. tvrne J132 Ueutrsl av NK. t'nre tinruee 245.

Minneapolis, Minn. Lasted ihe great western school ef Motoring, 21B 4th st S. to nt ysi for automobile lines. All work piaetiral. we wiu another new class Maeh lit.

l'osltions for llioee who join tills class. Call or write at once for particulars, iiiafii5LASs-ALL ar6undtInner plumber and steatntHIcr, nothing but tirst clasa need apply; must be able to figure from plana: steady work for right mau; state wanted lu first letter, must be Sober. IJ. II. tirsut, Beach, N.

ANTED MAS WHO CAN FURBISH GOOD references to buy second haDd furniture and all kinds of snaps for a country store, sonie-, one with experience now eniploved could handle this ou the side. Call eveuiugs, a to y. Room 1. 125 Ceotral av. loO MEN, $0 TO 40 "YEAHSOLDTANlfD at once fvr electric rallay motormeu aud ronductors.

$60 lo $100 a month, no expen-', ence ueceasaiyj no strike; write Immediately application blank. Address II, I'ritk, T24 Minneapolis Tribune. VARIED msTcLASS ALITaROUND butcher, able lo take charge ul neat little meat market lu general siore; must know 4 tLislnesa froin A lo no boozer need apply. Must help around store. Address o.

1', Beig t.ardner. N. 1). Now the lime lo iearu aud be ready tj take advantage of spring rush. Wrlle for fie illustrated catalog at once.

Moler Bar-' le-r ColUge. ettabiiiUed 1S'J3, Minneapolis, Mlna. WASTED SHOEMAKER REPAIRMAN. A good shoe repair man to lot-ate In a city of about l.lOo on the Q. railway, slsnit Its) miles south of St.

Paul- good country irsde, Sesd inquiry to XX Tribune. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANIEU AVtk-f- salary alternate weeks off who fall pay. Preparation free for coming Mia-Benpoiis examinations. Fraiiklia lualltun, 17 H'-chester, N. WANIED A FEW BRIGHT MEN TO TRAIN a thaufleurs; only practical Instruction gtv.

email enrollment fee charged, If you tssB business call or write AuUiuioblls Own ers' Asa 1312 HDDplD av. ACTIVE YOUNG MAN WITH FEW tititiored dollars, (mm and outxiue busyue prcu experience required. Must qiwii. salary and eoinmii-nun. Call lodav LEAHN TELEGRAPHY N0W AND" prepare tor railroad porlUnn; board earned snd free room white learnlra: call or write for luiljon.

Thompsons Itsusy College, 62 rti'-oiief av, Mtnneapiiie. rWANIXD Ion of handling tirst class advertising mate age, experience aud refer trji-s. oilier answers considered. Ad ,72 Tribune. SI EVENS A WHELAN We hv the following positions open.

Call tt-e if you can quality a salesmen, b.nk tpei lumber id managers, etc. 701 V4 Hennepin. A iEGInilEaED DEUGGIST FOR OWL DRUG u.f at tieelsior. No tirlbkura totisidered I ftd g'joa required. Splendid place 1 rtg rian.

imj tetev r-nn av. Minneapolis. Panted at once, first-class watch maker; one tnat can wait trade; Hrau i ihalaa preferred; aalary $25 per week. E. tster Jewelry Dulutli, Mlua.

'in r-tie pi)in A' ANTED WE WILL BE6T0KE THE NAT ural of your fr-, of charge, j-'rlet-'s 1 rarper huop. j2Z tvasnington av M. Halt i 1 r-Mturuuy, 2j; baih, i5c; electric JvVASTJEIIBeHLKA. 67FADY WORK men no other 5 rc62jf fjs Vehifl, ill.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.