v e r y p i n k . c o m - knitting patterns and video tutorials - (2024)

by s t a c i

In this video I demonstrate p2tog (purl two together) in slow motion.

The needles I’m using are Knitter’s Pride Ginger double-pointed needles.
The scarf on the mannequin is Celtic Cable Scarf.

Blog, Decreases, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

In this video I demonstrate k2tog (knit two together) in slow motion.

The needles I’m using are Knitter’s Pride Ginger double-pointed needles.
The scarf on the mannequin is Celtic Cable Scarf, more info and video tutorial here.

Blog, Decreases, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

In this video I demonstrate KTBL (purl through the back loop) in slow motion.

The scarf on the mannequin (not my design) is Nauset Light Wrap. You can see this pattern on Ravelry.

The needles I’m using are Knitter’s Pride Ginger DPNs. The yarn is just some leftover bulky wool.

Blog, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

With the Knitted Knockers tutorial coming out next week, I want to release this slo-mo video to cover the trickiest part of the project.

If you’d like to get ready for the Knitted Knockers tutorial, here is more info.
The free pattern we’re using
List of approved yarns
You can use magic loop or flexible double-points for Knitted Knockers, but I’ll be demonstrating on DPNs.

The needles I’m using are Knitter’s Pride Ginger double-pointed needles.
The yarn is Paintbox Yarns Chunky.
The scarf on the mannequin is Bay’s Edge (not my design). Here is my Ravelry project page with details on the yarn, etc.

Blog, Cast-Ons, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

In this video I demonstrate the knitted CO, a standard cast-on.

The other “mother” cast-ons:
Long-Tail CO
Cable CO

The hat and cowl on the mannequin is called Moorings by Vanessa Ewing. It is the current “perk” for Brioche Tier patrons of the audio podcast. You can listen to the VeryPink Knits Podcast in your favorite podcast app, or here on my website.

Blog, Cast-Ons, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

In this video, I demonstrate the Backwards-Loop CO in slow motion. This is not a sturdy CO, like one you would use to start a new project, but it is handy for adding a few stitches.

Sturdier cast-ons, good for starting a project –
Long-Tail CO
Knitted CO

The shawl on the mannequin is Lilli Pilli, link to my Ravelry project page.

The sweater I’m wearing is store-bought, not hand knit. 🙂

Blog, Cast-Ons, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

In this video I demonstrate the basic technique of working cables in slow motion.

The shawl on the mannequin is Lilli Pilli, link to my Ravelry project page.

The sweater I’m wearing is store-bought, not hand knit. 🙂

Blog, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

In this video I demonstrate the fisherman’s rib stitch in slow motion.

You can see my entire slow-motion playlist here.
My Fisherman’s Rib Hat and Scarf tutorial is here.
Proactive lifelines

Instructions for working Fisherman’s Rib:
Cast-on a multiple of 2 stitches, plus 3
Setup Row (RS): K across all stitches
Row 1 (WS): *P 1, K 1 into stitch below*, repeat between *s to last stitch, P 1
Row 2: K1, *K1, K 1 into stitch below*, repeat between *s to last 2 stitches, K 2
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 to desired length, BO on WS, while working Row 1

Instructions for working this stitch in-the-round:
Cast-on an even number of stitches, and join to begin working in-the-round.
Setup Round: K around all stitches
Round 1: *K1, K 1 into stitch below*, repeat between *s to end
Round 2: *P 1 into stitch below, K1*, repeat between *s to end
Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 to desired length, BO while working Round 1
To purl into stitch below, approach the V below the current stitch from back to front.

Blog, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

by s t a c i

You can see my other slow-motion videos here.
Here is another way to work the long-tail CO.
Knitted CO

The shawl on the mannequin is Autumn Crunch by Vanessa Ewing, a pattern exclusively for Brioche Tier patrons of the VeryPink Knits Podcast (an audio production). More information here.

The needles I used are Knitter’s Pride bamboo DPNs, and the yarn is Paintbox Yarns Chunky.

Blog, Cast-Ons, Slow Motion Videos, Techniques

v e r y p i n k . c o m - knitting patterns and video tutorials - (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.