The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (2024)

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In Everspace 2, players will spend the most time in their ships, hopping from mission to mission, and exploring the edges of the universe. This also means that ships are what players will likely find themselves most concerned about as they play. It is also a major investment for players, and they will need to think about their style of play as they search for ships.

Everspace 2 has fully launched on PC and PC Game Pass in April 2023, and it is all about exploring space with a strong storyline to back the gameplay up. While players will see the characters, including their own, in stop-motion cutscenes, actual playing time only happens in the ships. That being said, there are many types of ships, and the best ones for each player may be different as it will depend on how they most like to play.


Ship Locations & How To Find Them

The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (1)

Currently, Everspace 2 continues to have more content added to it. This means that there may be more types of ships and more tier levels of ships as time goes on. As of this writing, there are three classes of ships with three variants each. This makes a total of nine different ships that players can acquire, with each one ranging from tier I-III.

Tier IV is also available, but only by upgrading Tareen’s Ship Dealers Perk to its max (Level 6).

Ship Dealer


Nephtys Plains Station

Nephtys Plains

Freelancer Hangar

Prescott Starbase

G&B Union Branch

Noah Darmaris Starport

Coalition HQ

Letho Starport (Drake)

Ships & Supplies

Coalition Cargo Terminal (Drake)

Bonus: The Flying duch*ess


Finding these ships might be a little trickier. There are a total of five main Ship Dealers, with the Flying duch*ess potentially becoming a sixth dealer. The Flying duch*ess as a Ship Dealer becomes unlocked when Tareen’s perk is upgraded to level 2. The first ship dealer players will otherwise come across is the Nephtys Plains Station, after fixing the Disruptor signal to hide the base in Everspace 2.

The Tier availability will change at each Ship Dealer location with the player’s current level. This means that the same ships will get better as players spend more time in the game. For instance, at player level 6 both Tier I and Tier II ships will be available at various dealers. There is also a “+” version of each tier with slightly better stats, but the stats are still lower than those of the next full tier.

Ship tiers are also affected by what the player owns. Having a lower-tier model of a particular ship will allow the next model to show up in the store. The store changes what is in stock on a time- and location-based mechanic, meaning that players will have to leave and come back to see new stock, and it rotates ship-by-ship, meaning it will take longer for the stock to fully rotate in and out. That said, maxing the Ship Dealers perk will change this as well.

Ship Types

The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (2)

The first class of ships in Everspace 2 is the Light Class. This class specializes in fast but not spacious ships that have increased mobility. This is great for dogfights, but it comes at the cost of storage space and lower stats for the three health bars (shield, armor, and hull). The subclasses include Scout, Vanguard, and Stinger.

The second class is the Medium Class, which is the average, jack-of-all-trades class. Of note, the starting ship in the game is a Medium class ship, and these ships are masters of versatility. For those who do not want to switch ships based on mission type, these ships might suit them best. The three subclasses are Interceptor, Sentinel, and Striker.

The third and last class so far is the Heavy class. These are large and have the most capacity for expanding Everspace 2. They have the highest health stats of the various classes, meaning they can take more damage, which makes up for their slowness. They are the slowest of the classes, but being able to tank more damage gives them higher sustainability and could be good to use as cargo vessels. The three subclasses are Gunship, Bomber, and Vindicator.

Best Ship From Each Class

The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (3)

With each class having its own specialty and the inclusion of subclasses that allow more customization, players can build a ship that suits their needs best. Notably, the game allows for a varied customization process that can change the weapons, equipment, consumables, and body appearance of each ship.

This is partially due to the extensive crafting process in Everspace 2. Due to that, every player will find a different loadout that works best for them. However, these are the suggestions for the best ship from each Class.

1. Light Class - Scout

The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (4)


Light Class

Special Ability


Ultimate Ability

Shadow Strike

Primary Weapons


Secondary Weapons









Weapon Range

For this class, with the poor defensive stats, it is helpful to have a mechanic that can get the player out of a sticky situation when all else fails. The Scout subclass is able to do so with the ability to turn invisible. This makes it an excellent choice for new players as well, or anyone who prefers stealth as their method of choice for combat. Like the others of its type, it has strong mobility but it also has a long weapon range, making it a good choice not only for stealth but also at long-ranged combat.

2. Medium Class - Striker

The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (5)


Medium Class

Special Ability

Close Combat

Ultimate Ability

Quantum Tether

Primary Weapons


Secondary Weapons









Boost Speed

For a versatile class, the Striker type allows players to excel at combat. The Striker is fairly capable of dogfighting, and it has a Boost Speed expertise that gives it extra speed as if for a Light Class model. The dogfighting capability is matched by the capacity for three primary weapons and two secondary ones.

The Striker can also regain healthy by using the Quantum Tether. This makes it a particularly good combat ship while having aspects that take the best qualities of the two other classes.

3. Heavy Class - Gunship

The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (6)


Heavy Class

Special Ability


Ultimate Ability


Primary Weapons


Secondary Weapons









Armor Damage Reduction

Unlike the previous two mentions, the Gunship is slow and does not have the same maneuverability as either of the others on this list. This could make players unsure, for those who stick it out, might become very happy with it. Making up for its speed is the fact that it has a very high damage output with very high armor health as well. Its special abilities all have to do with combat as well, boosting its health and doubling certain energy.

As players get a feel for how the game plays and how it feels to fly each ship, they will most certainly find a ship that they prefer over others. As with many RPGs and games that offer lots of builds, players will tend to gravitate toward something that suits their play style the most, and the classes will give players a general idea of what each class means. With just a little experimentation, players can build the ship that works best for them in Everspace 2.

Source: YouTube|ROCKFISH Games

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The Best Ships in Everspace 2 (& Where to Get Them) (2024)


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